4 Classroom Organization Must-Haves

Like many other teachers, I started this school year determined to be more organized in my classroom. But here's the thing…I have started every year with the same determination and I have never been able to stick with it.

So, this year, I decided I needed even MORE than determination. I need the right tools to STAY organized. After thinking about the areas of my classroom where I needed the most help I started researching and I found the best tools for classroom organization.

3-Tier Rolling Utility Cart

Let me be honest, I don’t think you can have too many 3-tier rolling utility carts. These serve so many purposes in my classroom (not to mention it comes in a super cute color).

I have one next to my whiteboard that holds my expo markers, erasers, magnets, student whiteboards, and visuals needed for the day’s lessons. I keep another one near my work station to hold ALLLL the things that I need to keep off my desk.

But my favorite spot is next to my Guided Reading Table. I have a ton of supplies for this area and this keeps them neat and easy to reach at all times.

The versatility of this cart is what makes it one of the best tools for classroom organization. Trust me, buy at least 2.

Hanging Storage Bags

How many bulletin board sets do you have? How about materials for centers? Are they strewn from one end of your classroom to another? Are you losing pieces all the time?

Well, hang on to your lanyards and whistles because I have the solution! Last year I started using the hanging storage bags to store my learning center materials and it was life-changing! Suddenly everything was together when I needed it without all the hunting.

I also quickly realized that they make the perfect storage for the smaller pieces of my bulletin board sets.

I love that I can label the front and hang them up in my storage closet. I added a curtain rod inside my storage cabinet and easy, peasy organization.

And the best part about this classroom organization must-have is that I can actually keep up with it and not fall off the organizational train after a few weeks because it’s SUPER easy to use.

Cell Phone Storage Box

Student cell phones are not going away, they are a part of your classroom, even if you don’t like them. That fact means that you probably need an organized way to store them safely in your classroom.

There are several things to think about here…how can you keep them secure, how do you make sure students don’t have access to them when they don’t need them and what is a practical storage option? One of the best classroom tools for organization is the Cell Phone Storage Box.

I have made putting cell phones away part of the morning routine in my classroom. Students enter the classroom and the cell phone storage box is located on a table. I have a poster located above the cell phone storage box that reminds my learners about this procedure, which includes turning OFF their cell phone so it doesn’t ring or buzz during class time. (Grab this FREE poster here!)

Students place their phones into their pre-labeled spots before they even sit down. The box, lightweight and portable, gets put into my storage closet and locked away for the day. I take them out during our end of the day cleaning up procedures. It took a little time to become routine, but now this part of the day is automatic.

Hanging File Folders

Hanging File Folders have been a staple in my classroom for several years. I don’t actually use them the way they were intended though. Instead, I staple them to my bulletin board near my guided reading table.

The size of each pocket is perfect for holding group materials, lesson plans and any visuals that I need for that day. I can organize by color or the order of my groups. The hanging file folders are easy to label so changing it up only takes a minute. 

My teacher bestie uses hers to keep clipboards in for her students. Whenever her students need them, they make a quick trip to the back of the door and everyone is ready to go. Another neat feature is that, because clipboards fit easily into the slots, students can leave papers attached from day to day without any damage. 

Staying organized in the classroom is a great goal to have and one that most of us probably have at the beginning of the year. But, if you are like me then you probably only make it a few weeks into the year before things fall apart and there are suddenly piles of papers and materials everywhere.

Well…that was the “before” me! After finding the best tools for classroom organization, I not only started the year organized, but I am sticking with it. The “after” me is so excited to see how this path continues!

This article contains affiliate links, however these are REAL products that I use in my classroom.